Saturday, 5 July 2008


A month ago we have been contacted through Etsy's 'conversations' by an Israelian journalist of a Home Decoration Magazine (Nisha). She wanted to feature some of our items in an article with designs inspired by the sea. How wonderful is that, beeing featured in another country!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Coolness!! Big congrats you two!

  3. Congrats on the lovely feature!
    And also on the beautiful new listings in the giftshop! Those napkinholders look super!
    Wish I could see more of you drawings - seems like you're really good at it! :)

  4. Congrats Star, I wish many more in the future!

  5. Wow star that look so good! Congrats!

  6. Wow, Star, congrats with the feature!!!
    Well deserved methinks!!

  7. That is so great! As a matter of fact, I came back here to leave you a message because I think that you should submit your sea inspired pieces to Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine. They are so beautiful and I think it would be great for your business! I have no affilation with them, I have just been in the magazine before. You create the most amazing jewelry. Very unique. Again Congrats

  8. Wonderful! Nice collection of items to be featured with, too.
